Wally Herger, CA-02 (the public praiser of a self-proclaimed "Proud right-wing terrorist") is introducing a petition in the House to repeal and replace Health Care Reform because "the American people" don't want it. Polls disagree.
Twenty four years of Wally's World is enough. Peek below the fold to see how you can help retire this 24 year incumbent and replace him with Jim Reed.
Cross-posted at Calitics
Don't Republicans Have Something Better to Do?
House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio and Minority Whip Eric Cantor of Virginia plan to announce Wednesday that they’ll support two discharge petitions — one from Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) to repeal a portion of the law and a forthcoming petition from Rep. Wally Herger (R-Calif.) to repeal the entire law — and encourage other Republicans to follow suit.
Herger's petition is the more radical of the two:
Rep. Herger’s forthcoming discharge petition would force a vote on his bill, which would repeal all of ObamaCare, including the provisions enacted through the reconciliation process, and replace it with the common-sense solutions Republicans have put forth.
This move on the part of Reps. Boehner and Cantor seems cynically calculated, since no one expects repeal to succeed now, and only serves to keep the health care issue on the front burner for upcoming midterm elections.
Are Republicans actually serious about taking away popular existing benefits and lowering the deficit?
Democrats have argued that Republicans want to rescind benefits that have already reached the public, such as the ability to keep kids up to 26 years old on their parents’ health plans and $250 checks to seniors in the Medicare "doughnut hole."
"Have they thought about what it would mean for the American people?," said Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), assistant to the speaker. "[R]epeal would cause the deficit – which GOP leaders claim to be so concerned about – to skyrocket. Repealing health care reform would be a big win for special interests, but it would be bad news for working families and the future of our country."
It's not surprising they would choose Wally, since Herger votes the straight Republican party line 96% of the time (including the occasional mistake). Perhaps they should come right out and say what they really mean-- that "the Republican people" don't want Health Care Reform. It's nothing but bad news for the "Party of No" if Obama and the Democrats succeed in actually helping the middle-class.
Wally Herger is out of touch with the needs of his district. Herger still maintains that with our superior 21st Century technologywe can deep-water drill-baby-drill with no harm to the environment. Herger hasn't felt the sting of the recession like his constituents, since his wealth puts him in the Top 10% wealthiest Congresspeople, while his constituents average $22,876. According to Jim Reed,
He has placed the Republican Party above the people of his District. He has gotten lazy and has failed to aggressively seek Federal spending in his District. There are 10 Counties in the District but more than 1/2 the voters are in either Butte or Shasta Counties. Pathetically, these two counties get less than 60% of the national average in federal spending for rural counties across the country; this amounts to $3 Billion below the national average per year.
California's beautiful second district deserves better. Here's how you can help.
Jim Reed's campaign has attracted the notice of a highly-placed Washington D.C. political consultant who appreciates insurgent campaigns against incumbents. He likes what he sees here and is willing to take on Reed's campaign if the following goal is met:
Our goal is to raise $150,000 in both small and large donations during the month of July. If we meet this goal we will have the services of this Washington D.C. political consultant for a minimal fee.
July is the month to give Jim Reed the greatest leverage against Wally Herger. Making a contribution now in the month of July is making a down-payment on the future of California's Second district, on retiring Wally Herger, and on adding a Democratic seat to the house. Any donation, no matter how small, will help.
Help us Retire and Replace Wally Herger. 24 years is enough!