The Nashua Telegraph summarizes Katrina Swett's views after an editorial board meeting with her. There's a lot to pick through, and to be fair it's not all bad, but this one concisely makes the case against her:
Social Issues: Supports abortion rights. Favors civil unions for gay and lesbian couples but not in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide.
Finding this, Dean Barker at Blue Hampshire wrote,
On the one hand, I appreciate the honesty. On the other, I'm really just speechless. We spent a lot of time and effort on this site supporting the push to make marriage equality a reality in New Hampshire. I suppose the net result is that I am even happier today than I was yesterday that all the admins and contributing writers on this site chose to endorse Ann Kuster. Finally: if Swett wins the nomination, a truly Herculean effort will be required for the base to come together to overcome this position in the spirit of not electing Bass or Horn or Guida.
With light shining on her position, Swett's campaign rushed to clarify. With a statement that conspicuously does not express support for marriage equality nationwide:
As it often does, NH led the country by being the first in the nation to proactively enact marriage equality through the legislative process. In so doing, NH stood up for the proposition that all members of our community should be treated with respect and deserve an equal place at the table. I support federal civil union legislation that will extend the full range of federal benefits and legal protections to all families in our country, especially those who live in states that don't yet provide marriage equality.
So...marriage is good in New Hampshire, and she supports federal civil union legislation. But what about marriage? If you're pushing back against the claim that you oppose marriage equality, wouldn't you say you support it, if indeed you do? Reasonable readers can only surmise that Katrina Swett does not support marriage equality, no matter how much her campaign would prefer we gloss over the issue.
Where does Ann McLane Kuster stand on this? Our Orange to Blue questionnaire asks candidates if they would support a repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell. Kuster's answer didn't stop there:
Yes. I also support repealing the so-called "Defense of Marriage Act" and I have worked here in my home state to help make New Hampshire the 5th state in the country to officially and legally recognize full marriage equality.
In response to the minor flap about Swett's views, Kuster has unequivocally reaffirmed her position.
Talk about your stark contrast in a Democratic primary.
Ann McLane Kuster for Congress
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