A huge story is breaking about a massively coordinated attempt by the Wisconsin GOP, Americans for Prosperity and a coalition of Tea Partiers to suppress the vote in that state. Major elements of the story so far can be found on DailyKos in a diary by xofferson & a follow-up by One Wisconsin Now.
Voter suppression, particularly use of voter caging, has been a major weapon in the GOP's arsenal & is brought to bear against citizens particularly likely to vote Democratic -- or at least to not vote Republican.
ePluribus Media has covered this topic extensively in the past. Below the fold is a list of many past pieces, tying together elements of voter suppression strategies like voter caging with manipulation of the DoJ (particularly the Voting Rights division) & US Attorneys who'd investigate any claims of irregularities -- real, imagined or fabricated on the backs of tea-stained elephantine fat cats.
If the Wisconsin voter caging story intrigues, interests, offends and angers you, then take a deep breath and venture forth for a glimpse of just how far the GOP will go in order to compromise democracy.
The DoJ Flying Under The Voter Registration Radar
... previously under utilized and relatively unenforced motor voter laws. From the Op Ed pages of the NY Times:
A Welfare Check and a Voting Card
The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 , better known as the motor-voter law, is ... itty-bitty-change, Participatory Democracy, US News, voter caging, voter registration) ...
Commentary - Connecticut Man1 - 08/12/2010 - 11:07am - 4 comments - 0 attachments
Ohio SoS - No Caging
... hearing before cancelling the registration of any voter in response to an individual's challenge to their voter registration . . . The directive also states that Boards may not cancel ...
Commentary - rba - 09/16/2008 - 9:00am - 1 comment - 0 attachments
Supreme Court Stops Ohio GOP Voter Suppression Effort
... official in a dispute with the state Republican Party over voter registrations.
The justices on Friday overruled a federal appeals ... Mouse and Acorn! "
I say... " GOP voter caging and voter suppression. "
"I'm astounded that this issue is ...
Commentary - Connecticut Man1 - 10/18/2008 - 8:27pm - 0 comments - 0 attachments
What if Arizona "Show Me Your Papers" was never about racism?
... quite a bit about and has written on often in the past: Voter Suppression:
Behind the Arizona Immigration Law: GOP Game to ... you like, tortillas.
Voter suppression and voter caging is a subject anyone that has followed ePluribus Media over the years ...
Commentary - Connecticut Man1 - 06/09/2010 - 1:35pm - 2 comments - 0 attachments
The Dismantling of the Justice Department under George Bush
... from the press who is in a frenzy to cover the alleged voter fraud by ACORN?
A startling flurry of inspector general ... leave open the possibility of election-eve inquiries into voter registration drives, and they declare open season even on isolated ... to thwart attempts to suppress the minority vote through caging and other techniques, that could be as damaging as launching ...
Commentary - standingup - 10/15/2008 - 4:36pm - 10 comments - 0 attachments
ACLU Stops Illegal Voter Purges in Michigan
ACLU Stops Illegal Voter Purges in Michigan
Voting in Michigan isn't easy or even ... Image cc
Secretary of State's "One Stop Voter Caging" Ends
Michael Collins
Judge Karen Nelson Moore of the ...
Commentary - MichaelCollins - 11/01/2008 - 5:13am - 2 comments - 0 attachments
Petty Politics: McCain/Palin -- GOP's Last Gasp or Political Stalking Horse?
... known knowns and known unknowns of GOP dirty tricks like voter caging, redistricting ploys and possible vote manipulation, the GOP faces a ...
Commentary - GreyHawk - 08/30/2008 - 8:26am - 18 comments - 0 attachments
$100,000 Reward: for Citizens to Stop another Stolen Election
... Revolution, an activist group with the aim of exposing voter fraud and returning to paper ballets.
The voting machines, according ...
including the Whitehouse.gov
(also implicated in Palast Caging research)
Less than 1 in 10 million chance of that 2004 Exit Poll ...
Commentary - jamess - 10/05/2008 - 3:15pm - 13 comments - 0 attachments
Odds and Ends for Monday Night
... rubber ducky and a paddle.
Republican Hypocrisy and Voter Fraud Allegations
The blog DailyKos recently decided to have some ... Journal) touching on the science and practice of voter caging, disenfranchisement, suppression and fraud by the GOP:
CO ...
Commentary - GreyHawk - 01/15/2008 - 1:38am - 2 comments - 0 attachments
Past Pieces and Random Reminders: Re-recapping the US Attorneys, Voter Fraud and More
... the basis for the Prosecutor Purge and certain political caging activity or to target "soft" political targets for coercion; there could ... of the big GOP efforts to invoke (and avoid) charges of voter fraud and manipulation:
Some of the previous items...
by ...
Commentary - GreyHawk - 06/04/2009 - 10:37am - 2 comments - 0 attachments
ePluribus Media has published a whole bunch of articles on the US Attorney scandal.
Fact checked, edited and sourced articles on the ePluribus Media Journal:
And from the Community site, a whole bunch more:
In addition, check out this list of US Attorney Daily Updates by cfaller96, which also appeared on the Commnity site.
<h3>And more (some overlap, I think):</h3>
by GreyHawk - 01/23/2008 - 15:45
Previous ePluribus Media stories on the U.S. Attorneys
Here are some links to fact checked articles on the ePluribus Media Journal:
On the
ePluribus Media Community, check out these commentaries:
There's still more -- these focus on Mike Connell:
Yep -- luaptifer of ePluribus Media has also
been tracking Connell for a while. Here's one of the most recent:
VR Calls on John McCain to Fire Michael Connell for Covering Up for Karl Rove in Federal Election Manipulation Lawsuit
And now, here's a list of additional related items:
Previous stories
Recent stories
Friends' stories
That's all, folks. For now.
If you've read even a fraction of the stories listed above and still maintain the impression that the GOP, the Republican National Committee, institutes like Americans for Prosperity or the Heritage Foundation and faux-grassroots movements like the Tea Party are actually interested in the restoration of the nation, of rights and freedoms, then you haven't been paying attention.