This diary is not about the latest outrage from the Republicans, or the handicapping of the horse races. This is for those of you (us) on the ground, working with the lifeblood of campaigns: the volunteers.
The folks who are giving up their evenings to phone bank.
Their Saturdays to canvass.
Putting their own lives on hold, if just for a few hours (but sometimes over and over) to help us get our team elected.
As we enter the final stretch in all of these hundreds of campaigns, let's take a couple of minutes for a shout-out to these indispensable individuals.
And let's have some love too for the dedicated, usually-young and always-energetic Field Organizers and interns who are out there rounding them up, putting them to work, patting them on the back, and working tirelessly for the candidates they believe in.
Head to your local HQ this week and thank the volunteers. Better yet, stick around and join them!
That's how we win.
But just as importantly- that's how we play the game.
Share your favorite stories of volunteers and volunteering below!
H/T to the great field team at Bellows for Senate for the video.