I am publish this report as I received it and without waiting for confirmation that a massacre is in progress or has already occurred, beyond the very powerful videos included in that report.
When someone reports a fire, you don't first send an investigator to see if the report is true, even through there are many false alarms. You send a fire truck.
I don't have a fire truck, or the means to stop this massacre, but I will do what I can to raise the alarm because these massacres could be stopped it the people of Earth decided to come to the aid of the Syrian people in a meaningful way.
The UN said that 60,000 Syrians had been slaughtered between March 2011 and the first of this year in President Bashar al-Assad's desperate attempt to cling to power. These were carefully vetted numbers, double checked. The real death toll is quite a bit higher. That's 600 * 100. Any way you slice it that's a lot of massacres, a few in the +300 people range, many more massacres of a hundred or so, and many, many where a few dozen were slaughtered. Since he is now killing them at the rate of 5,000 a month, that figure is now closer to 65,000.
So many massacres in fact that the MSM no longer feels they are worth reporting, let alone calling "BREAKING NEWS", but I still do. Human life is precious and the violent murder of a Syrian child is worth as much attention as that afforded to the children massacred in Newtown, CT.
Also, this morning we have reports that the Assad regime is using a new terror weapon to slaughter his people. It is a new massive rocket with a warhead larger than anything seen there before. It spread shrapnel over a radius of 500 yards. What makes it such a terror weapon and unusually deadly is that it is silent. Unlike the artillery, rockets and aircrafts that Assad has so far been using to bombard the neighborhoods, this one is silent, giving no time to move the children to the bomb shelters that parents are digging all across Syria.
Finally there is a new report from the French source Le Monde saying that Assad used non-lethal, but prohibited, chemical weapons in Homs on 23 December 2012.
And here is something else for the anti-interventionists to chew on. Al Jazeera is reporting that the Russians have offered to help transport French troops to Mali, showing for the hundredth time that the "anti-interventionists" stand is an opportunists one.
Women & children, hurt and shocked regimes new bombardment in Jobar | 20 January
Expect graphic violence below the fold. I am reporting on a massacre in progress after all
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