I am publish this report as I received it and without waiting for confirmation that a massacre is in progress or has already occurred, beyond the very powerful videos included in that report.
When someone reports a fire, you don't first send an investigator to see if the report is true, even through there are many false alarms. You send a fire truck.
I don't have a fire truck, or the means to stop this massacre, but I will do what I can to raise the alarm because these massacres could be stopped it the people of Earth decided to come to the aid of the Syrian people in a meaningful way.
The UN said that 60,000 Syrians had been slaughtered between March 2011 and the first of this year in President Bashar al-Assad's desperate attempt to cling to power. These were carefully vetted numbers, double checked. The real death toll is quite a bit higher. That's 600 * 100. Any way you slice it that's a lot of massacres, a few in the +300 people range, many more massacres of a hundred or so, and many, many where a few dozen were slaughtered. Since he is now killing them at the rate of 5,000 a month, that figure is now closer to 65,000.
So many massacres in fact that the MSM no longer feels they are worth reporting, let alone calling "BREAKING NEWS", but I still do. Human life is precious and the violent murder of a Syrian child is worth as much attention as that afforded to the children massacred in Newtown, CT.
Also, this morning we have reports that the Assad regime is using a new terror weapon to slaughter his people. It is a new massive rocket with a warhead larger than anything seen there before. It spread shrapnel over a radius of 500 yards. What makes it such a terror weapon and unusually deadly is that it is silent. Unlike the artillery, rockets and aircrafts that Assad has so far been using to bombard the neighborhoods, this one is silent, giving no time to move the children to the bomb shelters that parents are digging all across Syria.
Finally there is a new report from the French source Le Monde saying that Assad used non-lethal, but prohibited, chemical weapons in Homs on 23 December 2012.
And here is something else for the anti-interventionists to chew on. Al Jazeera is reporting that the Russians have offered to help transport French troops to Mali, showing for the hundredth time that the "anti-interventionists" stand is an opportunists one.
Women & children, hurt and shocked regimes new bombardment in Jobar | 20 January
Expect graphic violence below the fold. I am reporting on a massacre in progress after all
Massacre about to occur in Jobar. Donât say we had no warning
20 January 2013
Just received this from a personal and trusted source
Personal note: This is a similar attack to what took place last year on besieged Baba Amr where Marie and Remi were also killed. During that time, March and April 2012, our village Jobar was stormed on land and people executed. Today, the same scenario of Baba Amr is repeated on Jobar that is held by the Free Syrian Army. So far confirmed personally, my fathers cousin Saâda Al-Akraa and her disabled daughter Rajaaâ Al-Akraa have been executed. Saâdas elderly husband Abu Abdulhameed Al-Akraa and a couple of other men and women have been abducted, likely to be used as human shields to enter on land. We have lost touch with all family relations inside the village of Jobar, which lies right next to Baba Amr. Kafr Aya is an area housing thousands of displaced civilians from Baba Amr and Jobar and now has been shelled with a new massacre taking place. This is an urgent call for help, but little is expected to be done to save the remaining people besieged now.
Syrian Revolution General Commission report:
Full-scale attack against Jobar, Sultaneyyeh, and Kufrayah village [southern part of Homs] â 20/1/2013
At least 17 martyred up until now â tens wounded by the continuous savage bombardment
The regimeâs forces extensively bombarded the districts of Jobar, Sultaneyyeh, and Kufrayah village using MEG23s, rocket launchers, artillery, and mortars. The northern part of Homs is being subjected to the heaviest attacks yet, and these aforementioned 3 areas are the ones being mainly targeted as the regimeâs forces attempt to invade the area, noting that Kufrayah and Jobar districts are packed with refugees and civilians. A massacre was committed in these few morning hours as 8 martyrs fell up until now and more than 80 civilians wounded, amongst them 30 in very critical conditions [most of them children and women]. The regimeâs forces have also killed a woman named Saâdeh Al Akraa and her retarded daughter Rajaâa on the outskirts of Jobar district; her husband, Abu Abdul Hameed Al Akraa, an elderly man, got kidnapped by the regimeâs forces along with other men and was taken to an unknown location to the nearby orchards.
A plane similar to a civilian warplane flew on a very low altitude, noting that it has 4 engines and leaves no traces of smoke behind it.
Concerning the situation on ground, the regimeâs forces are spread on Al Tahweeleh road in every 4 meters and they set up barriers, attempting to completely suffocate and surround the area in order to invade it. 3 tanks were stationed in front of the barrier near a school there, reinforced by a bus loaded with Shabiha (thugs) and an armoured Shilka (anti-aircraft vehicle). The regimeâs forces have also spread in nearby Tal Al Shour area and snipers stationed themselves on the rooftops of high buildings, try to keep an eye on the soldiers on ground in order to protect them from any attack and observe the ground from above. 16 buses fully-loaded with shabiha (thugs) and regimeâs forces parked on the junction of Al Nuqairah all the way to Baher Al Nujoom area. 2 pick-up cars carrying rocket launchers and 4 armoured vehicles loaded with arms and Shabiha (thugs) headed to Bab Amr district on Al Jeser road. 3 rocket launchers were also spotted near the water reservoir in Al Hadeedeh village, extensively bombarding the districts of Jobar and Al Sultaneyyeh and the village of Kufrayah.
The medical cadre, headed by Doctor Muhammad Al Muhammad, and the media office in the area, sent urgent SOS calls to the Arab and international community and to all human rights organizations to immediately condemn these attacks being waged by the regime and to pressure it to halt this savagery against innocent civilians. Do note that this attack is a repetition of a similar attack carried out against Bab Amr district in February last year; thus, there are true fears that the regimeâs forces will renew these massacres by slaughtering civilians, noting that the area is packed with displaced civilians. The makeshift hospitalâs ability to deal with all those severely wounded civilians is nearly impossible since it is small, does not bear with the severity of the injuries due to the lack of needed medical aid/equipment, and do not bear with the huge number of the casualties being rushed in.
SOS call sent by Dr. Muhammad Al Muhammad from the makeshift hospital inside Al Sultaneyyeh district:
âIn the name of God we begin,
Tens of rocket and shells currently are hammering the districts of Jobar and Sultaneyyeh as a massive military campaign has been plotted by the regimeâs forces, who have been planning for this since weeks whilst the eastern and western worlds and many of our own people have let us down. We are warning the world that massive massacres shall be committed against us in Jobar, Sultaneyyeh, and Kufrayah as there are up to 35,000 civilians and displaced civilians inside.
-Dr Muhammad Al Muhammad.
âKufrayah village: massacre:
âJobar: SOS calls from makeshift hospital:
http://youtu.be/... (Dr Muhammad sending SOS calls)
http://youtu.be/... (Dr Muhammad sending SOS calls)
âJobar: bombardment:
http://youtu.be/... (MEG bombardment)
âKufrayah: bombardment:
Rose Alhomsi
Independent Syrian activist. Also working with:
The Syrian Revolution General Commission: http://www.srgcommission.org/
Homs Free Congregation â Homs news: https://www.facebook.com/...
Hand in Hand for Syria â Charity: http://www.handinhandforsyria.org.uk/
Syrian Martyrs Stories: http://syrian-martyrs.com
Skype: rose.freedom.2011
Email: rose.alhomsi@gmail.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/...
Blog: http://rosealhomsi.wordpress.com
The Columbus Dispatch wrote:
Report: Syria deployed chemicals
Sunday January 20, 2013 10:43 AM
PARIS â Syrian forces used nonlethal chemical weapons against rebels in the town of Homs in late December, according to intelligence service sources cited yesterday by the French daily newspaper Le Monde.
The weapons were used in four rockets fired on Dec. 23, according to unnamed sources in Western intelligence services cited by the newspaper.Le Monde suggested Western powers played down an isolated event in the hope it would not be repeated. The paper quoted French Foreign Ministry spokesman Philippe Lalliot as saying that the matter had been investigated but that the checks did not produce evidence.
A French diplomatic source said Lalliotâs response to Le Monde remained the official line.
The United Nations says 60,000 have been killed in the 22-month-old conflict.
2:40 PM PT From rosealhomci:
18++ The names+images that have arrived so far of the ongoing attack and massacre in Jobar and Kafr Aya, #Homs #Syria 20/01/2013
Names arrived to this moment from the current ongoing massacre in Jobar and Kafr Aya â 20/01/2013
Details of attack are here:
Names of martyrs confirmed to this hour:
Isam Alsayed â male
304231_385175004911452_263056200_n (1)
Hamza Zakariya â male
Abdullah Albereni â male
Taha Alrastnawi â male
Abdulhaseeb Rifai Wazir â male, child
Mahmoud Wazir â male
Ruqaya Hamish â female
Daughter of Ruqaya Hamish â female
Rehab Toron â female
Abdo Hamish â child, male
Rahaf Alshamali â female
Saber Hamish â baby, male, aged 40 days
67401_385171188245167_561857580_n (1)
Saber Hamish â male, grandfather of baby Saber Hamish
408291_385173528244933_1263696927_n (1)
Saâda Al-Akraa â female, elderly
Rajaaâ Al-Akraa â female, disabled
Mohamad Alshadeed - male
Unknown martyr
Unknown martyr
Dozens of injured lie without aid in the field hospitals, death toll is in turn expected to rise.
New videos received in past hour:
Click here for a list of my other Daily Kos dairies on Syria