As an unabashed, diehard Bernie Sanders supporter, I'd be lying if I said last weekend's Netroots Nation fiasco didn't send a panicky chill through my body that I'll not soon forget. As soon as I watched the video, I immediately suffered a flashback to 2004 and the notorious 'Dean Scream'. And how the press crucified him for what amounted to a moment of unscheduled, unbridled campaign exuberance. And we all remember how that turned out.
Besides the highlighting of urgent BLM issues one other good thing happened as a result of the Netroots Nation. It made me curious as to Bernie's real record on racial and ethnic issues. And to be honest, upon further review, I came to only one conclusion: the evident disparity of what I knew about his record on racial issues... and what I didn't know, well, kinda, sorta surprised me. Now, I consider myself fairly well-versed in the records of the candidates I support. I've always made a point of researching them. But in this case, I admit my due diligence was lacking in both depth and detail. I knew generally about all the marches he participated in. I was well aware of the sit-ins. And the other acts of civil disobedience over the years as well. I already knew he was very active in socioeconomic politics in general for many years. But his advocacy has been even more substantive.
I suppose what surprised me was the diverse range of interests for which he's advocated since the '50s. Yes, you read that last part right. Bernie Sanders hasn't been active for just 50+ years. Bernie Sanders has magnanimously advocated for socioeconomic fairness and equality -- for a plethora of ethnic and racial cause and groups -- here and abroad, since high school... IOW, for nearly 60 years. (he graduated in 1959)
And, he's not about to stop advocating anytime soon. After all, he's a very spry septuagenarian. ;-)
Please indulge me below the weird-looking socialistic croissant.
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