Actually, toilet paper is a real, and useful, product. Even the Koch Brothers make a lot of it. (saving that joke for a later ALEC diary).
In fact, the paper your home loan or mortgage is written on may be less useful, as in, I don't advise wiping your ass with it. This is going to sound like something we've all heard before, I know, but there's some new information just out today that I'll clue you in on below the filagree d'orange.
Many readers of Kos (here come the comments) are just plain done with hearing about the housing crisis (didja hear, we're out of the woods, we're in Housing Recovery©™®, according to our Prez),... many more of you are convinced that people who got screwed out of their houses, and there are 10 million or so of those neighbors of yours, well, they were just greedy dumbasses who don't know what the meaning of a Contract is. They got what they deserved.
If those of you in that category can put aside those feelings for just a moment, and focus for a bit on things like, well, evidence; rule of law; common law; real estate law; common sense; and chain of custody, you just might have an AhHa! moment of your own. Dave Dayen, currently of Salon and previously at FDL tells the story:
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