If you do, please pass this article by Naked Capitalism's Yves Smith along, as she joins Alan Grayson, Neil Barofsky, Matt Stoller, Anya Stiglitz, John O'Brien, Jeff Thigpen, David Dayen, John Aravois and numerous other commentators who have been integral in bringing the foreclosure fraud, bank mortgage abuses and Wall Street behavior to light over the past few years.
Get Everyone You Know in Palm Beach County to Vote for Lisa Epstein for Clerk of the Court Next Tuesday
Readers may know I don’t do political endorsements. I’m making an exception because I’ve worked with Lisa Epstein and am extremely impressed with her knowledge, energy, and tenacity. And separately, readers may have come to recognize that county clerks and registers of deeds can be very important guards of the integrity of property records and legal processes. But only a very few, such as Jeff Thigpen in Guilford County, NC, and John O’Brien in Southern Essex County, Massachusetts, have bothered to investigate their own files and speak up about the large-scale problems they have unearthed.
Lisa is an oncology nurse who has become a self trained and formidable mortgage document and foreclosure procedures (as in abuse) expert.
Yves Smith mentions another endorsement in her piece this morning...
Fellow Palm Beach county resident and foreclosure fraud investigator Lynn Szymoniak gave some other reasons to prod anyone you know in Palm Beach County to go to the polls next Tuesday and vote for Lisa:
Lisa will work to hold the banks, mortgage servicers and MERS accountable for their destruction of property chain-of-title. Lisa will work to prevent the banks from claiming a homestead exemption long after the qualifying residents move out. She would prevent Fannie and Freddie from wrongly claiming tax exemptions….
Only one candidate – Lisa Epstein – has sat through hundreds of foreclosure hearings and trials and has spoken out about the abuses by the foreclosure mills.
Only one candidate – Lisa Epstein – has combed through the court files to expose sewer service, robo-signing, forgeries and MERS fraud.
Only one candidate – Lisa Epstein – has worked tirelessly to protect Palm Beach County homeowners and citizens.
Only Lisa has the support and respect of this country’s most prominent and respected county recorders and court clerks because she has worked hard to earn that respect.
You can read more about Lisa Epstein at her website,
She and her opponent, incumbent Sharon Bock, are registered Dems, however the primary on Tuesday is an open primary, so any registered voter can and the victor on August 14 becomes Clerk for 4 years.
Help somebody who's been helping all of us, GOTV in Palm Beach County!