Democrats, use the constitutional option and end the DADT filibuster and all this other filibustering once and for all!
If DADT isn't repealed in the lame duck session, it may be a decade before we get another chance. Republicans are filibustering every single bill, requiring a supermajority to do anything at all, and just signed a letter saying they won't let us vote to end discrimination until we pass tax cuts for multimillionaires adding hundreds of billions to the national defecit.
Do you think democrats shied away from civil rights legislation in the 1960s just because it was unpopular in the south?
No, they did the unpopular thing, and they did so without fear of reprecussions, no matter what it took, because it was the right thing to do.
Even as the law was being signed, it was predicted that signing it will destroy the democratic party in the south once and for all.
Let the republicans try and filibuster the repeal of DADT, as they just promised to do, and use the constitutional option when they try to do so in order to end this discriminatory practice.
It will be a great moment in US politics.
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