Michael Bloomberg is a billionaire. The former mayor of New York City has wanted to run for president of the United States for some time and according to a new report from The New York Times he is “actively preparing to enter the Democratic presidential primary and is expected to file paperwork this week designating himself as a candidate in at least one state.” (Take a moment to hear the sound of all air being sucked out of your sails.)
It’s not hard to understand why a billionaire like Bloomberg would look at fellow billionaires Tom Steyer and Howard Schultz’s entrances (and exits) from the Democratic presidential race and say, Yup, I can do better than that—I’m a billionaire! In Bloomberg’s defense, he’s known Donald Trump for years as a fixture in the New York political and financial machine, and my guess is that anyone who has ever met Donald Trump in person believes they, too, could do a much better job at anything Trump attempts. There’s also the pretty obvious political calculation that a centrist like Bloomberg might be able to present enough age and confidence to cannibalize the primary votes of Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg.
But let’s be clear about one thing: Billionaires are egomaniacs. Their belief that not only are they the best qualified to run the country but that everyone else believes they are, too, will always trump what is best for the collective United States.
Here’s some analysis:
But who cares?
This news hit the internet the way that news like this always hits the internet: poorly. Arguably the best response was this one:
Another argument might place Sen. Warren’s response at the top.
Hehe. And off to the races we go:
But what about “practicality?”
But what about the candidates that Democratic voters actually like?
And then there are those questioning why a billionaire would spend money on running for president when they could spend that money better elsewhere.
And let’s be clear, here is the view of moderate Bloomberg from the MAGA seats.
Who can beat Donald Trump or Mike Pence in a national election? The candidate who can bring out the most votes.