Alright first the info below is from Kerry's website.
Statement from John Kerry on Howard Dean's Confederate flag statement
"I still want to be the candidate for guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks," Howard Dean said Friday in a telephone interview from New Hampshire. [Des Moines Register, 11/1/03]
November 01, 2003
"Howard Dean is justifying his pandering to the NRA by saying his opposition to an assault weapons ban allows him to pander to lovers of the Confederate flag. It is simply unconscionable for Howard Dean to embrace the most racially divisive symbol in America. I would rather be the candidate of the NAACP than the NRA."
Dean's Flip-Flopping on the Confederate Flag
Dean "declined to say South Carolina should stop flying a Confederate flag, again saying that is a state decision." [Knight Ridder, 2/2/03]
Dean has conceded previously that there are "a very significant number of folks in this state to whom it is a symbol of oppression and slavery." [Washington Post, 2/5/03]
Alright, now here are my views about this (full disclosure: I do not support Dean what so ever.). First off, Kerry really made what I consider to be a cheap shot here. Dean has been a long time supporter of the NRA's agenda and has won their support during elections several times. For Kerry to act as though Dean is doing this now to get votes from confederate flag carriers who drive pickup trucks is not only wrong, its insane. Secondly, I agree with the Kerry camp that the flag is divisive, but I don't think Dean was supporting the flag, merly stating that he will be trying to reach to as many voters as possible. I don't see Dean getting their vote, but thats my take on his quote.
There is a lot to be critical about with Howard Dean, including his NRA friendly stances. That being said, the Kerry camp needs to consider what is appropriate attacks and what is not. I'm all for issue orriented questioning of candidates. This however takes a good issue to discuss and then tries to link it with rascism.
The Kerry camp needs to clean up their act!