See Al. Al's a black preacher. See Al racebait.
See Dick. See John. See Dick and John learn how to racebait from Al.
See me throw up.
Funny how, soon after Al goes at Howard over race issues, Dick and John take it as a sign that it's okay to attack Howard on race issues. Do these self-righteous, arrogant hacks realize that Howard may very well end up being their guy in the general election? Don't they care about beating Bush, no matter who wins?
Scaring seniors, as Dick likes to do, is pretty sad, but trying to divide your own party on race is beyond the pale. These two egomaniacs - how else can it be explained? - are knowingly dividing and racebaiting within their own party.
When Al did it, everyone agreed it was stupid. This is no better.
It's official - I will not vote for either of these guys in the general if they win the primary. To do so would be to reward them for disgusting behavior.
I'm a guy in a wheelchair, living on peanuts with a disabled wife. More than most people, I can't afford another four years of Bush, but I've reached my limit. I've had enough.