I picked up on a link over at billmon.org comments section about a 'mystery projectile' that blew up the M1A1 Abrams tank in Iraq the other day.
Just google "mystery projectile".
It seems the 'boffins', (British for 'scientists', not to imply that it is British scientists looking over the tank) are going over the wreckage to figure out what did the damage.
Two dead, one wounded is what matters to me more than the dead tank.
This sounds ominous to me. M1A1's getting pencil holes drilled in them. Helicopters shot down.
Pentagon, White House quacking... Vietnam words back in the news. It all just plain sucks...
Man, it sucks to be in Iraq for PNAC right now. And it sucks to be family to anybody in Iraq for PNAC right now.
Man, it sucks to be supporting our Bab's 'precious' Georgie right now. More kids lots of them, all of them his betters, 'buying it for Georgie'.
Bad day in Warmongerville... maybe Babs could send her 'precious' over to Iraq in his flight suit to save the lives of Georgie's betters. Nah, Georgie does not have the 'right stuff'.
I am a Red Meat Dem and frankly I could use just a little less bad news from the PNAC thugs.