From the site, I came across an interesting article taken from the American Spectator.
The headline:
American Spectator: Republican Majority for Choice CONFIRMS Targeting Senator Santorum! Advisory Committee's Specter Denounces Ad, But Chafee Won't!
see and scroll down to see funny picture titled "Real Republicans".
this is a link to the Am. Spectator article:
more below:
Here's a quote from the Chairmman of the RMC:
"[W]e cannot continue electing candidates like Rick Santorum because he's not helping the party's image...We think there's a line that needs to be drawn between more extremist Republicans like Rick Santorum, who are there for more social issues, and the more important economic issues. He distracts from that agenda by bringing up these controversial issues. It confuses people as to where the Republican Party stands today."
-Jennifer Blei Stockman, national co-chair of the RMC
While I find it noble that there is such a group within the Republican Party, they can hardly feel good about their record. I mean what's the point of being a true pro-choice Republican when you do nothing meaningful to protect a women's right to choose? Neither Specter or Chaffee did anything to block a anti-choice SCOTUS nominee like Alito or Roberts...not to mention JR Brown on a circuit court among others. Sure Chaffee's cerimonial nay vote on Alito looks good for his record on pro-choice but he did nothing (nor Specter) to stop the nominee from coming from to the floor...a move that would have had some real meaning and put their money where their mouth is.
A pro-choice Republican group....whatever. What good does it do to be a pro-choice Republican when you don't act on it. NARAL should consider this partisan aspect of candidates before rushing to support a pro-choice republican over a pro-life Dem or a Dem with issues on certain aborition details. In the end, sadly, party lines seem to have morwe clout than individual views. Hopefully NARAL learned this after supporting Chaffee over his opponnent. Yeah, Chaffee really made them proud when push came to shove on Alito. I doubt his Dem opponnent would have been so inept.