If I were a part of the Rock the Vote Debate on Tuesday I would pound Bush like the wave on shore during a hurricane.
This weekend tragic lost of life in Iraq reinforces my belief in what I have come to call the Bush Doctrine: "Incompetence doe not stand in the way of conceiving grand schemes." Bush is not a President; he is a petty small-time schemer and dreamer. Sure he has the title of "President" but even that he did not earn the old fashion way by getting elected.
However allow me to focus on my main point. George Bush told the US Marines, and the nation, in an address in April 2003 at Camp Jejeune, North Carolina " We can help somebody who hurts by hugging a neighbor in need." Hugging I guess does not in apply to him. Where are the new stories, or photo's of this President giving comfort and soothing those neighbors and families of the killed, injured, or maimed servicemen and women who served our great nation?
If I were General Clark, or Senator Kerry, I would ask the rhetorical question " Is George Bush AWOL again as Commander in Chief for not offering condolences to the families of those who paid the ultimate price for his scheme to rid Iraq of the non-existent WMD's? And if I were Governor Dean or Senator Edwards I would ask the rhetorical question " How does George Bush find the time to raise obscene amounts of cash for reelection, yet find no time to plan strategy to insure global participation and funding for the Occupation of Post War Iraq?"
To quote Kelly Bean "Like all American wars, this is a war of class and ideas. One class has the idea to make war; another fights the battles and pays the price." If I were Congressman Gephardt I would drive home the point that sympathy, compassion, grieving, and solace are just buzzwords in Presidential speeches given by George Bush.
Cheri Delbrocco wrote "No explanation has ever been given to families as to why Bush continued reading a story to Florida elementary students for nearly a half-hour during the worst attack in America's history. Where is the courage and humility to provide the families an answer? Where is the honesty? Where is the compassion?" If I were Congressman Kucinich, or Ambassador Carol Mosley-Braun I would ask that very question or George Bush tomorrow night.
Honor: One of my favorite words. Growing up and educated in Catholic schools I was taught early to "honor" my mother and my father. Included in The Ten Commandment this directive is very straightforward. In the Marines I was taught Duty, Honor, Country, Corp, Family, God. If I were the Reverend Al Sharpton I would ask George Bush " How do you honor those who have died, or their survivors for scheming to give oil contracts to Halliburton but not planning to protect those who you put in harms way?" or "Mr. Bush for a man who professes to be doing God's work how would explain your policies with the one of the Eight Beatitudes that says "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God?"
I am sick of George Bush. I am sicker yet of a lazy, indulgent, superficial, and ignorant press. Tomorrow night nine Democrats have the bully pulpit and the free airwaves. My instructions to them are "Attack, Attack, Attack, Attack." Not each other but the Bush. Pound Bush like the wave on shore during a hurricane.