In the 1960's republicans spotted an opportunity to take the white vote in the South away from Democrats. The catalyst for this massive demographic shift was the northern democrat committment to civil rights. We won the issue and republicans won the South.
The tools Republicans used to win the South was to cast off a politically divided north and scorn it for political gain in the South. Anyone who listens to conservative media can hear the scorn in comments like "Northeastern liberal". We are expected to grovel before Southerners while they treat us with disdain. They ask when was the last time a northern democrat won the White House? Of course, it is JFK. But when was the last time a Northern Republican won the White House? Try Calvin Coolidge (Bush I claimed Texas and made his money there).
The Republican Party is not a national party. George Bush knows as much about the North as a hog knows about Sunday. Democrats need to turn the tables by running against the religious extremism, fiscal regressiveness, and militarism of the South. Just as we all know "Northeastern liberal" we should soon also all know phrases like "Southern Crusaders" or "Roman Southerners" or whatever phrase someone more witty than I can come up with.
In the 2004 election the democratic candidate should go to Iowa and say, "Those Southern Republicans claim they are the most patriotic people in the country. I think they don't know the difference between militarism and patriotism. Between waving a large American flag and knowing the history behind that flag. because nobody is more patriotic than my friends here in Iowa." ~ or something like that.
We will not win by cratering our principles but we will win by triangulating an increasingly extreme and militaristic South in an otherwise peaceful and multilateral nation.