How do you think Dean will do in Massachusetts? He's already out-fundraised Kerry here. If Kerry bombs in NH and drops out before Super Tuesday, Dean could pick this state up in a heartbeat. Even w/ Kerry remaining a contender, a strong second place is likely.
Who will get 2nd in Missouri? (Dean is #2 there, w/ 22%, as of early September. Does anyone else look likely?) How much will this matter, if at all?
Will Edwards take North Carolina, or will he be edged out by Clark or Lieberman (or even Dean who is polling second at 23% there!)
And what about Arkansas? How popular is Gen. W. Clark, Ret.? Who else is popular there, or will it be a blowout like VT looks like for Dean?
Favored son status matters a lot less for the "second tier" candidates, it seems:
Does Ohio care at all about Dennis, or do they prefer Lieberman? Kucinich has dropped from 14% to 9% there in the last 7 months.
Carol only has 9% in Illinois... from a favorite daughter standpoint, it looks like she'd be better off running from New Zealand.
Sharpton gets 11% in NY these days, but I think I've seen him to better than that in other polls.