Thanks to Kenton Ngo, for sending me a list that Kerry has posted
of confirmed SuperDelegate endorsements. This list is much more complete than what I've been able to find on other political Web sites, including Politics1, and on the other campaign's home pages so far. As a result, Kerry's SuperDelegate and total delegate count gets a big bump, and the total # of SuperDelegates accounted for goes up to 177.
Candidate / Endorsements
Kerry 57
Dean 40
Gephardt 35
Clark 19
Lieberman 16
Edwards 10
Full breakouts here.
If anyone knows of any announced SuperDelegates that I don't have already, please let me know!
Other SuperDelegate news, posted by trix, is that after the Gore endorsement, 44% of the DNC Members (who are all SuperDelegates) support Dean. They surveyed 327 of 386 members, which by my count must include at least some governors, reps, and senators. Dean had 18 DNC members already (that weren't officeholders) as well as 22 officeholders supporting him. I would venture a guess that right now he has the support of about 170, giving him around 192 Supers. However, until I can verify all of these as endorsements or at least strongly leaning, I'm not going to add them to the hard counts.