Separation has always bothered me. By its very nature you have to pick a side. Either you are For or Against, Pro or Con...Black or White, Latino or American; by definition it defines us yet, also seperates us. As a society we are great; even though there are different cultures and languages we are still complete because we have all the pieces to the puzzle.
There are some however, that choose to see and live in a world that does not tolerate other cultures or views other than its own. Some people can be extreme, others subtle. Examples are those labeled as racists, those labeled as liberals, the Dems and Republicans, Daily News and The Post. How much more advantageous it would be if you could see both sides of the coin and not be favored to either? I for one would rather be a judge than jury or prosecutor.
But there are those who would shutter at the notion of embracing the thought of integration. To some it is viewed as cultural suicide. "Do not forget where you come from," is the battle cry.
What if the lines were blurred, what if there were no sides, what if you integrated? The great Buddha would smile for one. Another thought is you may be better off. Maybe they are right to some extent but, in being right maybe they are on the losing side. Statistically, those who integrate into mainstream America earn more, provide more for their kids and generally live a better lifestyle. At this point the oppostition shakes their head in negation and fears what would be loss in exchange for monetary beneficience but, isn't that what we are fighting for in the first place? Here is some advice (used in another context but, can be applied here), my Uncle-Rest In Peace-gave to me one day: "How can they take that away from you?"
I think the battle "minorities," fight are two fold. One would be the bluntly stated respect and equal rights for opportunity and advancement in this society. The other is acceptance for who we are. Those who are born into this country and who have adopted the language and culture do not worry so much of acceptance. They have shed the inadequacies and obstacles (for the most part), of living in a foreign land and have poured their energies into school and careers.
So, I do not know if this bothers me or not:
"Investment bank Samuel A. Ramirez & Co. Tuesday said it had launched a stock index to track the fortunes of Hispanic businesses like Univision as they increase their presence in the U.S. economy.
The bank says it is now in talks to launch investment products tracking the index."
Now everyone can benefit from Hispanic success but, that is good. But why must we say "look at us Hispanics over here," or they will say "look at the Hispanics over there." It is almost saying that we are accepting being separate from the rest. And as long as we accept that this is the way it will always be then, that is the way it will always be. The great Buddha frowns.