A poster over on Talkleft comments:
Judy Woodward i/viewed Clark today on Inside Politics about his claim that Dean offered him the VP slot. Answer: Dean didn't. Clark hemmed and hawed and said that Dean encouraged him to think about all possibilities before making the decision whether or not to run. He said no "sign on the dotted line" offer was made. Then he said no actual offer was made. Then he said the VP slot was "dangled." Then he said Dean couldn't really have offered him the slot but Dean came as close as he could to offering it.
This seems to be a typical pattern for Clark and I don't think it's very flattering to come off as the much-in-demand hotshot only to be forced to back down later by saying that it really didn't happen. Same thing happened w/ the Rove phone call and the alleged administration calls to him immediately after 9/11. His need to appear the hero always could render him as a liability in the VP slot. That type of person is likely to take credit for all of the successes of an administration and none of the failures. I think I'll have to reassess Clark if this continues.
Posted by Kel at December 22, 2003 03:31 PM