Turning our attention to 2004 and assuming this article from
The UK Observer is correct, George W. Bush plans to parody Ronald Reagan's "Morning in America" ad campaign in 2004.
"There may be a conflict raging in Iraq that is killing US soldiers on a daily basis. There may be the threat of an economic crisis, too much unemployment and political debate infused with vitriol levels unseen for years. Yet President George W Bush is planning to win re-election by turning reality on its head. Bush is drawing up a positive, soft-focus and upbeat campaigning platform portraying him as the candidate of national unity."
Bush hopes to avoid campaigning at all until after the Democrats pick a nominee. Even then he will campaign from the White house using the "Rose Garden Strategy" Bush plans to use press conferences, bill signings and high profile speeches to make his presence made on the campaign trail in the "free media" while the Democratic Nominee fights for attention. Free Press will save the already banked Bush extra bucks.
"White House aides are increasingly certain the incumbent will face a run-off against the former Vermont governor Howard Dean in November, and confident they will be able to portray the favorite for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination as partisan and pessimistic. 'Voters don't normally vote for an angry, pessimistic person to be president of the country. They want someone, even if times are not great, to be forward looking and optimistic,' Matthew Dowd, a senior Bush campaign aide said."
And you have to admit the idea sounds like a good one. If Bush can cast himself as the optimistic candidate calling Howard Dean the angry pessimist. Every time Dean criticizes the President the media will dismiss it as angry talk from an angry candidate. At the same time if Howard Dean cannot tell the American people the truth about the Bush record his hopes for defeating Bush are lost.
It is a clever political trap. But that doesn't mean its going to work. Think back to last summer in California. The Recall campaign was underway. Democratic Gov. Gray Davis adopted a similar strategy as Bush is now. He worked in the state house signing legislation and trying to remain above the fray. His lamest talking point was "I am the Governor, everyone else is trying to be the Governor."
Davis spent so much time avoiding the campaign trail that eventually the Media didn't care about any of his attempts to get free media, they were interested in the angry movement created by Republicans to replace him. Davis was completely blacked out. By the time he decided to jump in Arnold Schwarzenegger had already cast Gov. Davis as the enemy. Criticized his every move and offered Californians an alternative to the economic problems facing the state.
After awhile Arnold didn't even have to give a reason why he felt Davis needed to be recalled anymore. He simply had to smile and talk about how it was all over but the shouting. The CW has set in. All the positive campaign ads and optimistic jibber jabber Davis could come up with couldn't undo it. The tone had been set. The people had made up their minds. Davis had to go.
Arnold Schwarzenegger challenged Davis point blank and took his job. Now Howard Dean isn't a celebrity, despite his rumored work in Ninja III, but he will be the Democratic Nominee which will give him the same type of momentum heading into the race. Automatically every Democrat and swing voter will give him a chance to prove himself worthy. Unlike Schwarznegger, Howard Dean is sharp as a tack and doesn't spew vague talking points.
"I'm very much for children and childrens issues, and all that stuff." -Arnold Schwarznegger.
Unlike Schwarzenegger, Dean gives details and depth when he speaks about his plans for America. All thats left is to get the attention of American voters and cast George W. Bush as the already vanquished failure he is. The media will always report the more exciting story. So what would you choose.
People are mad at Bush. If that anger is channeled early and often it can put Bush on the defensive and end the race before its even started. And just in case there are also steps Dean could take to avoid the Angry label even further.
Dean for instance could adopt a policy of matching every negative with a positive. Every time he criticizes Bush he should propose his solution to the problem, his vision for our country. Offer a common sense plan to deal with mess we are in that people will hear and agree with.
He can also use the time before the Democratic Convention to propose some optimistic policies of his own. Things that unlike another trip to the moon, actually help people. Like Healthcare for every man woman and child. Dean should spend the pre-fight season putting out policy proposals that will make America a better place.
He would also be wise to turn the tables on Bush. If Bush accuses him of using scare tactics tell the American people that sometimes the truth is scary, but we have the power to change this country for the better. Accuse Bush of being too afraid to defend his own record, call Bush out in a subtle manner. Mock his feel good ads and put extra focus on the national debt and other long term problems created by this administration.
Bush told Diane Sawyer that he doesn't plan to debate the Democratic Candidate next year because he will be too busy fulfilling his duties as President. But he has time to go to the gym everyday?
Dean needs to use this to his advantage. Is Bush too afraid to defend his own record? Or is his record simply indefensible?
(Hasn't endorsed any candidate due to devisions in the party)