The Bush "space plan" is an idiotic election-year distraction that will turn into another long series of fiascos for the nation at worst and at best will be a glory ride for a few academicians associated with the space program.
When Dean in Seattle, he brought up the right idea: and Apollo program level initiative into transformation of the national energy economy, away from fossil fuels and into sustainable and clean energy.
Where is that program now that Bush has started this asinine Moon-to-Mars nonsense?
Don't let him seem to win on the issue of technology and forward progress for the human race! Not only he is insincere (of course) with regards to the follow through on his program (1 billion whole dollars, gee whiz) but the plan itself is stupid. Humans live on Earth, not Mars, and we have real pressing issues here which will not be addressed by smacking more multi-hundred million dollar probes into the face of Mars, so that we can discover that it is a dried up, low atmosphere place where life does not exist and will not exist in any meaningful way.