Dear Howard Dean,
We have given $43+ million plus, written 150,000+ letters, made countless phone calls, traveled across the country, and ran thousands of house parties and meetups in every state of this great nation.
We want to know that attacking special interest groups and corporate ownership of government is only one of the planks in your platform. We want a contract with you. If we elect your president, what do you promise to do to improve America.
This is what we want to know, before we go to the wall for you:
- How you are different from the other democratic candidates, without insulting the Democratic Party? (Remember the Democratic Party solved the Great Depression, won two world wars, and fought for Civil Rights and Women's Rights. Also, you have taught Kerry, Edwards and Clark how to growl and bark and attack Bush. How is someone who has tuned into the last two weeks of a primary to know you are the real thing?)
- What are your goals for America's foreign policy? (America is the 800 pound gorilla of the world, whether we like it or not. It is not realistic to say we can go back to being just another kid in the school yard. Other countries are jealous and scared of us. How do we interact with other countries that makes them feel more secure? How do we get NATO to help in Iraq? Specifically, what would you do in Iraq?)
- How do we add jobs to the economy, and how do we correct NAFTA? (Every Democrat in the Iowa debates mouthed the words that foreign trade agreements would have to be re-negotiated so we wouldn't loose any more manufacturing jobs. But no one said how they would do this, apart from looking at international worker's rights agreements. Business is about making money, how about a significant tax credit for businesses that keep their factories and work force in the U.S.?)
- How would your tax code help the working class and middle class. (Repealing the Bush tax cut is not a winner. Every politician lies about taxes. Bush says he will never raise taxes. Swartznegger (sp?) said he would never raise taxes. Clark, Kerry and Edwards say they can balance the budget and leave the middle class tax cuts. It is all hogwosh, but it is what the voters want to hear. How about restructuring the tax code?)
- How do you propose to improve the economy? (America is splitting like an hourglass, between the rich and the poor. Bush's economy is designed to make it easier for millionaires to make their next million, not for the average person to buy a house and send their child to college. How can you make the economy focus on the working class and the middle class?)
- How can we make our country safer from terrorist threats? (What is Bush doing wrong with home land security? What can we do better?)