Jeebus, just now the
newspapers reported that Clark was telling veterans the following:
Wesley Clark said Wednesday he is the only Democratic candidate for president with the right mix of military, foreign policy and administrative skills, assuring fellow veterans "I can walk the walk, not just talk the talk."
"I'm a veteran, I've done leadership at the highest levels, I've worked with heads of state, I'm from the South, my mother was a secretary, and I can run well across this country -- and I can beat George W. Bush," Clark said.
And of course Clark says that he can run well across this country -- and -- beat George W. Bush
So Gentlemen, get your jogging suits on -- Can a NATO supreme allied commander with REAL military discipline beat the AWOL Commander and Chief in a foot race?
Hell, I say let's all find out.
Sort like when Joe Lieberman said he was ready "to take it outside" to Howard Dean over the energy task force that Lieberman DIDN'T care at all when Cheney hid HIS energy task foce but that darn Howard Dean better not have any close-door meetings that actually benefited his state but not his own pocket unlike Cheney's hidden task force provided.
AND jeez folks, my mother was a dime store retail clerk and so isn't that one up from a secretary in the electable world of "I was born in a two-room house" scenario?
Ralph Nader is looking better and better all the time.
Sorry, but I can't help myself, however Washington Bureaucrats and lobbyist insiders just don't working for me. If Democrats can't get mad, well I feel like we're pretty much screwed anyways. I'm just not an ABB person.