Ok, last week we saw a story on ABCNews.com that took a really nasty cheap shot at Howard Dean. Now, the shine has gone off of Dean's star, so they're going after rising-star John Edwards. This is how the media works. It's ugly, it's indefensible, but it's something Democrats just have to get through.
Take a look at Has 'Mr. Positive' Candidate Turned Nasty? by Jake Tapper. [I'm disappointed. I always though Tapper was one of the good ones.] The story tries to charge Edwards with hypocrisy because he has established himself as the candidate who doesn't go negative, and yet he gave his caucus-supports zippy one-liners to use against the supporters of other candidates.
Is this hypocrisy? Maybe. If it is, it's pretty small potatoes. I mean, really small. See for yourself.