The pro-Bush media will attack the most viable Democratic challenger to Bush no matter who it is. The media witch hunters hammered President Clinton and Al Gore as viciously as they now attack Dean.
The media defend Bush and the Republicans, ignore their "gaffes" and scandals, but attack Democrats. To fend off a hostile media, to counter the entrenched bias, we need to get and stay organized. Here's how to do it: MediaWatch - Challenge Republican Media Bias -
Media Watch has 3 goals:
(1) document specific examples of anti-Democratic media bias
(2) take direct, immediate action to challenge anti-Democratic bias
(3) keep up the pressure to END anti-Democratic bias
There are separate Media_Watch groups for each major news organization listed below. Please click on the links to choose your PRIMARY news source, the one you know best. All Media_Watch subscribers must be approved by our moderators.
After you sign up, you will be asked to introduce yourself and explain why you want to participate. Our goal is to have an immediate and significant impact. Therefore each Media_Watch group will focus on specific ACTIONS, not wide-ranging discussions.
We need Media Watchdog volunteers to report media abuses, and we need experienced moderators to help keep the groups running smoothly. Please volunteer now.
I started this campaign for the presidency with the simple notion that America can be better.
- Howard Dean November 18, 2003 | Bush Occupation | Smile at Dean