Remember California!!!
Who are we kidding. The best plan we have is hoping that there is enough visceral hatred for Bush that any Dem candidate will do.
ABB is about tapping into the visceral hatred for Bush, but the DNC/DLC forgot that this leads to a natural association of visceral hatred of the DNC and the DLC by disenfranchised Dems. If you want to vote for Bush's policies than you must accept the same visceral hatred given to Bush. So, in a sense they are turning the gun on themselves.
You think 2002 and California was bad...YOU HAVEN'T SEEN NUTTIN YET!!!!
If the DNC/DLC runs with this pathetic strategy of ABB we can all kiss the Democratic Party goodbye.
I'd like to see the DNC/DLC try to rally voters that they refused to listen to, behind Kerry.
The cat is out of the bag now. They can trample Howard Dean all they want, but at the end of the day they are only stomping out what little hope there was for reigniting the base.
We saw this in California endless streams of political dignitaries endorsing Gray Davis until they where blue in the the end the lie was bigger than the circus.
The truth is out!!! The DNC/DLC are no longer listening to their base, so why the hell do they think that the base will listen to them. [Remember California]
It is extremely arrogant of the DNC/DLC to assume that people will choose to vote for anyone but Bush. They forgot to factor in that people will also have the right not to choose at all.
I am not talking about all of you politicos here on dKos but the "real" people out that gave up on the political process.
Howard Dean was able the break through that barrier and get them excitied again...and yeah sometimes you have to shout from the roof tops to be heard over the din of Faux TV, CNN, MSNBC ect.