Whichever candidate you think will get the nomination, assume they win regardless of your current instantaneous pessimism level at this moment and pick or post what you predict that candidate would "likely" be able to produce as President of the United States of America.
These options might depend on one another, so assume the one you choose implies the one it depends on are also chosen. e.g. to solve Poverty, perhaps you have to solve "The Economy".
You might think they will do more than one thing (but not everything), in which case choose the one you find the most valuable accomplishment.
Also, general classes might be "solved" in specific cases. National civil unions or the repeal of the PATRIOT act might qualify as solving Civil Rights, depending on your position.
I ran out of spaces for more, so there is "Other", and of course I'd most prefer to hear what I missed via comments.
One more thing, these instructions are kind of long and overbearing, you might want to ignore them.