This year in the Republican Party, by far the best candidate that we could ever run for President would be Senator Bob Dole. Senator Dole would be our strongest candidate for several reasons; he specifically is the strongest on the points where Bill Clinton is the weakest. These differences make him the most electable candidate in the field of Republicans for 1996.
First and foremost, Senator Dole is a war hero. The Senator gave his arm for his country. Over the last few years, Mr. Clinton has used our military as recklessly as any Commander in Chief in history, and Mr. Dole's military record should effectively serve to counter any advantage Mr. Clinton might hold in this regard. Mr. Clinton has lost troops in Somalia for no good reason, and has launched attacks on Iraq without solid evidence, and done so possibly even to distract the public from his own indescretions. Mr Dole's military record clearly gives him an advantage over Bill Clinton in this regard. Overall, thanks to his war experience, no one will ever be able to question Mr. Dole on National Security issues, and this is a powerful plus in Mr Dole's corner.
Similarly, with regards to foreign policy, Senator Dole is one of our most well-respected Senators. His long term in the Senate has allowed him to make trips overseas, to meet with many distinguished leaders, and gain the foreign policy experience our current President was sorely lacking when he came into office. With the rapidly changing world situation after the collapse of the Soviet Union, we cannot afford to nominate a candidate with only limited foreign policy experience. In this regard also, Senator Dole is clearly the most electable of the candidates and should have an advantage for the nomination.
In terms of General experience as well, Mr. Dole stands head and shoulders above the rest of the crowd. The others running have served their country in no where near the capacity that Senator Dole has. He is among the most well-respected Senators in the country, and that respect should help translate into electoral gains in November.
Finally, for the best reason why Mr. Dole is the most electable candidate in the Republican field, let's just look at the whole picture. In November 1996, the American people will be going to vote. If Mr. Dole is our candidate, then the people will have to make a choice between a slick, well-financed, heavily managed incumbent, who has faced several minor scandals already in his administration, and a long-serving, distinguished, experience, respected Senator. They'll have to choose between a man who used his position to avoid serving in Vietnam and a man who was wounded for his country. They'll have to choose between an arrogant upstart governor who's lack of foreign policy experience has created as many problems for this country as any President since Johnson and a man who has spent his life meeting foreign leaders and earning their respect. They'll have to choose between a solid Conservative and a man who has given us deficits as far as the eye can see.
Clearly, Bob Dole's record makes him by far the strongest candidate for the Republicans in 1996. If the Republicans want to defeat President Clinton, we need to run our most electable, most mainstream candidate, and this is Senator Dole. His positives should be strong enough to, in the end, defeat Mr. Clinton and put a Republican in the White House. Fellow Republicans, I ask you, join me in supporting our most electable candidate, Senator Bob Dole!
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