Krugman ask, "What happen to America"?
The Democratic Party DIE Krugman-that's what happened...
But Krugman knows that and he isn't going to roll over and play dead.
Krugman is furious and so am I.
THIS IS WHY ABB is so STUPID. Sen. John Kerry sit on the intelligence committee and when the 9/11 blue commission got together, they said the intelligence committee had never subpoena Bush for his intelligence briefings.
Now remember that Al Gore said Ashcroft was flying his hind-end safely around on privately charter aircraft because of all teh "chatter" just prior to 9/11.
3000 Americans dead and Sen. John Kerry didn't really care to find out what was on those briefs. THERE IS NO WAY I've ever vote for Kerry or for Edwards either, who sits on the judicial committee and didn't say a word about theft of those memos from the server.