I was listening to
Don Evans on Lou Dobbs Tonight. He wasn't concerned about outsourcing or losing jobs.
To my ear it sounds like he has the global economy and the domestic economy somewhat entangled, especially with the good sounding news that we have a million new jobs a week!
Does anyone know if that's an accurate number on a global scale?
EVANS: Well, Lou, look, I think the global economy is becoming more integrated, more interlinked, more networked than anybody thought imaginable even five or 10 years ago.
But I really think it is all about free trade and open trade and fair trade. And I think that's healthy in the long run for the American economy and the American workers. I think the more we work to open up trade all around the world, open up markets for our good products and our good workers around the world, it means that our economy will be stronger.
And so I'm not concerned about the level of job outsourcing that I hear about. You know, we always -- remember, this is a very dynamic economy. It's an economy that creates some one million new jobs every week. And so -- and it will continue to be a very dynamic economy. As I have said on this show before, I think people around the world marvel at our ability to create jobs in America. And I expect that to continue. Free and open and fair trade is a very important part of that.
DOBBS: Do you think they also marvel, Mr. Secretary, that this economy, the strongest and largest in the world, has now run up a half-trillion dollar trade deficit, talking about not only this administration, but the previous Democratic administration, talking about free trade? Do you think they marvel that this economy has to sustain that kind of burden?
A million a week? That makes our 1000 a month seem even more paltry than it already did!