I've been part of quite a bit of discussion on dKos in the past about what we should or should not do to aid Michael Badnarik. Some say we should give money to help the Libertarians steal conservative votes. Others suggest we should worry about our own candidate and GOTV only, and let the Libs take care of their own situation.
I have found a great way to aid Badnarik without giving ANY money and only a few minutes of your time. Everybody can GET A FREE BUMPERSTICKER from http://www.badnarik.com, beneath the link for the ad. Just submit your address. They say it will come in the mail in one week. Then, go to a conservative neighborhood and slap it up on a street sign or some other public place! That's all! Since it'll get to you in a week, it will be up long enough to be seen by Republicans, but not too long to piss them off, all before Election Day.
Also, you can go to http://badnarik.org/supporters/downloads.php to print up Badnarik flyers and whatnot to spread amongst conservatives who would never vote for Kerry, but hate Bush as well. And none of this hinders our GOTV and donations to Dem friendly groups. So I say, Go Badnarik, the Nader of 2004!