This a.m. at 6:30 I heard Rush's girlfriend (Daryl Kagan) spinning the Al QaQaa story in this way: Dick Cheney claims that no one knows if the explosives were taken before or after U.S. troops came. So, she posed the question to (talking head, I forget who), John kerry has made a big to do about Bush's negligence in the war on terra because he let all this stuff go. Does this mean that JOHN KERRY's credibility is now on the line because the story may not be as bad as it first appeared? Talking Head's response was that the Kerry people just want to talk about the war on Iraq as opposed to the War on Terra, and the more it was separated, the better. That they just wanted to get the word "Iraq" in the news. "Even if it's based on a false story," she said (or something like it) shaking her head sadly.