I have to agree with
this man's assesment. The best line:
Senator Biden always seems to be wearing flashy polyester shirts. He never is, but he always seems to be, just as he always seems to reek of cologne.
It gets to be a bit uncouth from there ...but still
Biden can't help himself, his plagerisim problems started well before the Kinnock speech. He constantly sticks his foot in his mouth and has a tendency to be overly agressive. A good thing when dealing whatever Neo-Con holdovers remain in the various departments but a bad idea when it comes to diplomacy. I look forward to State regaining some of it's glory after Colin Powell's less then stately term. We need to put our best face on in these very public positions. That face is not Joe Biden.
In other posts I've seen suggestions of Clinton but I think that stems more from peoples fascination with the man than from any logical conclusions. My suggestion has always been Clark, but then again he's proven himself to be diplomatically inept at times as well
There have got to be some better candidates for state out there.