My wife and I (from Boston, MA) have been in Columbus, OH since Thursday, helping the Kerry campaign bring Ohio home. The campaign calls us "Kerry Travelers," and there are a ton us us here in Columbus. A surprizingly large number of people from California, as well as just about everywhere else: Massachusetts, Illinois, New York, Texas, etc. So many volunteers that in Columbus alone they now have a main office and 7 satellite offices, as well as the Dem. Party HQ and the state Kerry HQ, and that's not counting ACT or the other allied groups.
Based on what I'd been seeing so far, I truly believe that Kerry is going to win Ohio solidly.
Thrusday and Friday we were canvassing poor neighborhoods on the south side of Columbus--one mostly white, the other about half black, half white. Both neighborhoods are going
overwhelmingly for Kerry--at least 8-1, maybe more. Thank God for ACT! I'd say that at least 2/3, maybe more, of these people are registered to vote, and many of them are really PUMPED!
Really pumped as in even though we had a targeted list of voters to talk to (ones we hadn't contacted recently), people on the street would come up to us, ask who we were for, and when we said Kerry, would say "Great! Kerry all the way!" and stuff like that. I still remember the poor 20-something white guy with the shell-shocked expression saying "Ohio used to be the best place in the whole country for jobs! Now there's NOTHING! We HAVE to get Bush out of there!" Bush has ZERO "mystique" among poor folks here in Columbus.
And a lot of them have family in Iraq and cite that as another reason why they're for Kerry. (Funny how most of those who say their for Bush in order to "support the troops" obviously don't know any of these troops!)
A lot of these people have never voted before in their life, and I'd bet just about anything that the polls aren't picking these people up.
And a couple of other notes:
- The Columbus Dispatch may have endorsed Bush (They've endorsed the Republican every single time for 100 years.) but I'd bet just about anything that this was another case of the owner ramming the decision down the editorial board's collective throat. They've been quite good lately. First, by taking a very firm stand against these voter-suppression shenanigans that the Repukes want to pull (many of which have been disallowed by the courts), and even by their front page: Friday's front page featured the Kerry-Springsteen rally here in Columbus (paper said 30,000+, though I've heard that 50,000 was more accurate). The photo had Kerry smiling and waving to the crowd while the Boss looked at Kerry lovingly--about what you'd expect. Then the next day featured an equal-size photo from the Bush-Schwarzeneger rally in Colubmus (paper said 20,000+ Ha! Even in their world we outnumber them 3 to 2.). But the photo had Arnold smiling and waving to the crowd while Bush gazed him lovingly. Quick kids, let's play "spot the lightweight."
- The Columbus Dispatch poll showed Ohio exactly tied--this after showing Bush up by 7 a few weeks ago (which I don't believe). And as I said above, I'd bet just about anything they aren't catching the tidal wave or poor Ohioans who are thoroughly sick of Bush's economy. Looking good!
Yesterday was more of the same. We did a middle class mixed race neighborhood yesterday. Again, heavy for Kerry, though with a bit less virulence. Today, tomorrow, and Tuesday are more of the same.
Don't expect any more reports until after it's over. I only have the time to write this because the campaign doesn't want us canvassing on Sunday morning.
Good luck everyone!