Indeed! This clown is a disgrace to the Black race. He doesn't deserve the prestine priviledge to have the word Black in his name. For all the pain, agony and frustration my ancestors went through to punch a fucking ballot, its hard to imagine one of the same breed pissing on their graves by acting like a pre-1960's era dirty south, confederate flag waving BIGOT. Fuck you Black-Blocker. Blocking your own race from the polls to please your masta cowboy mcchimpy in chief.
Word is that Black-blocker met with Chimpy on election day during his visit to Columbus, Ohio. Maybe we can get Olberman to shed some light on this darkness. Blackwell...ugh, I meant Black-blocker , is the poster child for an ASS. Known and only good for giving us a bunch of shit. What are you afraid of? Count the votes chump and stop changing the rules. Geez! I get the feeling this is the type of guy who'd yell timeout while he's in the middle of a FIST fight, getting his ass whooped, no doubt. I consider myself a 21st century revolutionary and I despise the republican party to the fucking core. Those mofos are wicked and will do anything to quench their thirst for power; including steal elections. Which is exactly what Black-blocker is doing up in Ohio. Lets keep the pressure on their asses and not let'em get away with it. Fuck all these trolls that are posting debunking messages about the fraud claims, they just wanna break our spirits. My advice for their freeped right wing asses would be to slide down a razor blade and land into an alcohol river. They'll feel right at home right along with that king of the rumor mill ass clown named drudge the sludge Hemmer! RAGE AGAINST THE CHIMP 4-EVER! 3000peace