This is my first post. I have become a DailyKos daily reader.
While I am supporting the audit/recount efforts, I am also so angered by this administration, so ready to protest.
I am looking forward to coming together with, dare I say, MILLIONS of fellow Americans to protest the next inauguation. I am proposing that that event be held in Philadelphia (not in D.C.) Philadelphia because it is where our nation was founded, where the Declaration of Independence was signed. It is the city of brotherly love and the city where the biggest Kerry rally was held.
What do you think? Lets not go to the D.C. party, lets have our own- to resupport the Founding Fathers, to resupport liberty, freedom. To protest the war, to protest the criminal in the White House.
I am not sure how to get the word out, and I live out of state... what do you think???