Yestrday was my family's first get-together of the holiday season. My parents and siblings and their spouses are all straight and dutifully follow the ads on TV. The men are manly, the women shop and nothing of substance is ever talked about.
My wife and I are a lesbian couple, my wife is younger than I and I am the baby of this family get-togther we got together at.
The first thing I would say to all straight people out there who may meet or introduce a gay couple is do not use the term "friend". It is so degrading. I do not introduce my sister's husbdand as her 'friend' nor should my wife be introduced as mine. You can just say, "and this is so and so" if you're uncomfortable with her title, just stop there. She is NOT my friend. Your spouse is not your friend, she/he is your spouse and deserves that respect.
I decided I will introduce my families' spouses as friends until they stop doing it to us.
Secondly, my niece, who knows I'm gay and is 'OK' with it, is also ok with saying, "that's so gay" to everything she doesn't like. After her second proclamation of a so-gay item (wasn't advertised, therefore not cool), I replied, "well I'm gay..." to which she responded, "well then it's so retarded" in which I then informed her my wife works with "retarded" children.
I wonder why a minority group needs to be the symbol of all things not cool?
I am going to start saying, "that is so straight" - again just to see how others like being used as a derogatory term.
Or maybe I'll just stay away from my "accepting" family.