So it's starting to look like Tom DeLay might have used the power of his office to intimidate Ronnie Earle into
not indicting DeLay on corruption charges.
And DeLay has managed to get the rules changed requiring House leaders to step down if they're indicted for a crime - and the Repugs did it just for him.
But that's OK, because DeLay may now eligble to be prosecuted under the federal RICO statute!
More after the jump....
Now I admit it will be tough getting the Justice Dept to nail DeLay, but there's no doubt the Bugman has been flaunting the law and using his office in a thugulous manner. Between Earle's
TRMPAC investigation, the
Tigua Indian shakedowns, his
shady Westar corporate corruption scheme and his
K Street Project is now funneling millions in corrupt lobbying $$$ into the Repug coffers, I'd say there is more than enough reason to crank up a
RICO investigation.
If the Feds can run anti-abortion activists through the RICO wringer, they damn well oughta be able to make DeLay squeal like a pig too!
According to the Justice Dept's own website, here's the part that can trigger the RICO charges:
A RICO charge where the predicate acts consist only of state offenses will not be approved except in the following circumstances:
1. Local law enforcement officials are unlikely to investigate and prosecute otherwise meritorious cases in which the Federal government has significant interest;
2. Significant organized crime involvement exists; or
3. The prosecution of significant political or governmental individuals may pose special problems for local prosecutors.
I'd say the DeLay situation meets all 3 criteria, wouldn't you?
Anyway, it's just an idea for everyone to chew on. I'm sure Ashcroft won't go along, but even if people can't raise enough hell to get the press into talking more about DeLay's mafia-like ways, the Dems oughta damn well be able to use DeLay as a club to smack GOoPers around until he's either voted out of office or frog marched out of the US Capitol in handcuffs!
So spread the word: Indict DeLay on RICO charges!