It looks like some serious changes are going to be made. We know the republicans can have an ego trip, but it's weird seeing other people state that as a fact. Check out the NY Times article:
Abortion Remark by G.O.P. Senator Puts Heat on Peers
Angry conservatives flooded Senate phone and fax lines on Friday demanding that Republicans prevent Senator Arlen Specter from presiding over the Judiciary Committee after he remarked that strongly anti-abortion judicial nominees might be rejected in the Senate.
For those who did not believe we were going to take a heavy 'right turn', here's naother interesting remark...
The outpouring illustrated how the party's conservative wing has been emboldened by the White House victory and the strengthening of Republican majorities in Congress, potentially raising new hazards for moderate Republicans who might want to break from the president or House and Senate leadership on major issues.
I don't know exactly what's coming up next, but it looks like they won't want to be stopped. To me, this is just a small illustration of the tone that is being set for next couple of months at least.
Any thoughts?