I'm in Massachusetts, but I think everyone can write to Kerry, as he represented all of us in the last election.
Not claiming that this letter is particularly brilliant, but feel free to steal/modify it as you see fit. I bolded the last sentence for emphasis here, but not in the actual letter.
I sent a very similar letter to senator Kennedy.
By the way, you can email Senator Kerry here.
Dear Senator Kerry,
I am writing to urge you to officially support Representative Conyers' anticipated challenge to the Presidential election results.
I was in Columbus, Ohio volunteering for your campaign the last week of the election. I saw a huge wave of support for you, including lots of people who have never voted before. Then came Election Day and we saw huge lines, the result of the voting machine shortage (At 9:30 PM we bought $100 of groceries so that people in the college neighborhood could have something to eat as they stood in a 5-6 hour line to vote!). The Columbus Dispatch (their main newspaper) had been reporting day after day before the election about how many new voters were signed up in Ohio, and what counties they came from. Everyone knew where the voters were coming; the voting machine shortage was deliberately engineered to suppress the votes of Democrats.
I might also add that it is terrible that nothing was done before the election to mandate auditable voting. In Ukraine we saw an election get overturned because the official "results" differed from the exit polls, and this was cited as proof of fraud. Yet the same thing happened in this country and it seems that almost nothing is done, while the private companies that make voting machines say "Trust us" and won't even let governments look at their machine code!
I think these past years might have been better if a senator had joined the mostly African American Representatives to challenge the 2000 electoral theft. At minimum it might have sapped Bush's political capital and made it more difficult for him to ram through a long list of destructive policies which you are no doubt familiar with. It also probably would have led to a more honest election in 2004.
This past year my wife and I gave over 25% of our after-tax income (over $15000) to the your campaign and allied candidates/groups (DNC, MoveOn, senate candidates, etc) . I personally made over 1000 phone calls and knocked on close to 1000 doors (in NH and OH) on your behalf as a volunteer. But I'm increasingly thinking that the game is rigged. If nothing is done to prevent the other side from suppressing the Democratic votes and quite possibly falsifying the vote count, in the future I'll probably just save my money and time since the effort will all be for naught anyhow.