This is pretty breaking news.
I hope that this doesn't turn into another Iran Hostage situation. Though, it seems like the hostage takers are more or less surrounded, thus preventing that from happening. Some Links:
Voice of america
Update [2004-12-6 6:6:58 by fullerton]:
The most current sources say the hostage number is 18, no word on their nationality or the demands of the hostage takers. It would be safe to assume the vast majority if not all are American given that it's our embassy. Four dead so far.
Update [2004-12-6 6:13:6 by fullerton]:
The building fire has grown and 200 US and Suadi Forces have the compund surrounded. Carol Kalin, the embassy spokeperson delivers this gem of information: "there has been an attack on the US consulate in Jeddah" thanks Carol!
More updates below
Update [2004-12-6 6:13:58 by fullerton]:
According to Reuters, an unamed western diplomat says the 18 hostages may just be victims trapped inside with the terrorists. No demands have been given and all indications are that a fight is still ongoing for control of the building.
It does seem kind of early to offcially call them hostages, no?
Update [2004-12-6 6:21:58 by fullerton]:
AP says there was a car bomb which resulted in the still burning fire, then four men attempted to enter the building. Still no real word on if the hostages are actually hostages or not.
Update [2004-12-6 6:25:22 by fullerton]:
According to CNN (thank you Rithmck) all of the Americans from the consulate are accounted for. none of the 18 still inside are American. The deaths were all "local" Saudi staff
Update [2004-12-6 6:30:22 by fullerton]:
It's 3:30am here on the West Coast, time for me to go to bed. For up to the minute news on what's going on you can just follow the link below and hit refresh when need be. Good night.
Jiddah Consulate Attacked