Many of you probably have read, or read about the
WP article about the apparent progress being made in the Plame grand jury. One of the more prominent bits in there is about how Mary Matalin was called to testify, for reasons unknown (since she left the white house staff months before Novak opened his fat mouth).
Aside from the usual questions about who, what, when, why, where, etc., I was struck by the burden events like this must place upon Matalin and James Carvile, that ragin' Cajun that we all love to love and/or hate.
I vaguely remember a great deal of curiosity having swirled around when the Carville-Matalin relationship was on the front burner back in the early Clinton years. "How could they possibly be married, given what they do and who they work for?!?", etc.
There's not much to rehash there, but I now truly feel badly for both of them. I'd like to think that Matalin did not have this sort of thing in mind when she signed up with Bush, and I'm sure that Carville becomes just as defensive as any husband would be when his wife is threatened by or involved in...unfortunate...proceedings such as this.
Just something to consider; stuff like this is so infintely more interesting (and in some ways, far more important) than the minutae that occupies all of the echo chambers everywhere.