Sometimes you have to admit that you have a problem. I've decided that it's time to get away for a while. I know I'm not alone in my addiction leading to a certain lack of productivity in the rest of my life (unless the rest of you are all unemployed loners), but frankly, this is a good time to leave since things are not much fun anymore for this Dean supporter. But you know, no good participant at Kos can leave without a parting speech.
Barring something actually explosive happening in the next week or so (rather than swirling rumor mongering) John Kerry will be the Democratic nominee. For all those who tut tutted the glee of certain Dean supporters a couple of days ago, look deep in your heart and ask yourself if you've ever had a certain malicious happiness (assuming you were still employed) looking at Bush's job numbers. We've all been there, my friends. With any luck, Kerry will become president. With even better luck, we can turn the Senate and/or the House. That is probably where I will look next for something interesting to follow.
Sometimes a blog is just a blog, but this site has become something more because our individual conversations can bloom and because our views can reach a vastly wider audience than if we each had our own blogs. On the other hand, if you want to see a prime example of a circular firing squad--it's right here folks. But I have to say, it's been fun. I've never been able to discuss politics with so many like minded people before--I didn't even talk about politics this much when I was in college.
This doesn't mean, of course, that I might not check back in a few months, or you know...if something explosive happens...