Super Tuesday isn't just Primary day in Massachusetts.
there's a special election for state senate taking place that will act in some ways as a referendum on gay marraige. State Rep. Scott Brown (R) has expressed his visceral hatred for Gay Marraige often, and holds a major fundraising lead over his opponent, Angus McQuilken (D) after a fundraiser held by Mitt "The Mormon" Romney netted him 100,000 dollars from several anti-gay marraige groups. suffice to say, 100k in a state senate race is a ridiculous amount of money. McQuilken has scored the endorsements of NARAL, the SEUI, and will be getting one from Planned Parenthood. Likewise the Kerry campaign and Barney Frank (who's congressional District the race is being held in) are also providing logistics and GOTV support. If turnout is high on the day of the primary, McQuilken should win, as registered Democrats far outweigh registered republicans in the district. But Brown has just taken out a 15,000 dollar ad buy in the district, and has been using a lot of money on negative pieces against McQuilken, attempting to tie him in voters minds with the very disliked State Legislator Thomas Finneran. If anyone in the MA area has time to volunteer, we could certainly use your help over the next week and a half, and good vibes and contributions via our
website are also great.