The BBC is reporting that Clare Short, former Tony Blair cabinet member (and now his sworn enemy), is claiming that the UK spied on the UN during the negotiations leading up to the Iraq invasion. Apparently Short is now calling for Blair to resign for misleading his nation into war.
UK spies 'bugged UN's Kofi Annan'
British spies were bugging UN Secretary General Kofi Annan's office in the run up to the Iraq war, former UK cabinet minister Clare Short has claimed.
The ex-international development secretary said she had read some of the transcripts of his conversations.
Ms Short said she recalled thinking, as she talked to Mr Annan: "Oh dear, there will be a transcript of this and people will see what he and I are saying."
Tony Blair is likely to be quizzed about this during his monthly briefing.
The prime minister is also set to face questions on the dramatic collapse of the trial of GCHQ whistle blower Katharine Gun.
She had been accused of leaking a secret e-mail from US spies allegedly requesting British help in bugging UN delegates head of the Iraq invasion.
I'd heard something about this spying story a couple of weeks back, with the suggestion that British Intelligence was spying on behalf of the US, which seems a fairly logical supposition. We'll see if this story goes anywhere this time.