Here's round 8 of the VP game. Max Cleland is eliminated from the race.
Once again...
Who is the least likely to be Kerry's vice-president? (Not who you like the least)
Fmr. Sen. Bob Kerrey of NE has been added due to request.
Senator Mary Landrieu (LA)
Congressman John Lewis (GA)
Senator John Breaux (LA)
Ret. Gen. Wesley Clark (AR)
Senator Diane Feinstein (CA)
Governor Brad Henry (OK)
Fmr. Sen. Sam Nunn (GA)
Senator Jay Rockefeller (WV)
Fmr. Sen. Max Cleland (GA)
The rules and facts about this poll...
I'll eliminate one each day if the vote tally surpasses 100 and start a new poll. The elimination will end once we have four choices. Then, we'll have a contest between each one pitting against one of the four.
If you would like to add a person, please leave the name in the comments section.
This will be similiar to the one for Dean that was on dkos a few months ago. Only difference is that it's "who's most likely" instead of the "weakest."