Okay. Democrats have finally found a way to match Republican dollars and attacks. Our new 527 organizations will be an invaluable tool to help John Kerry win this election in the fall. They are a way to get the truth out about the Bush Administration and a way to do it so that the public actually sees it.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with this and I hope the courts agree with us. We simply did not have the time or resources to raise the kind of money that BC04 has and this is a way to make up for it.
For the New York Times to sell us out like they did on their editorial page is ludicrous. They make no mention of the fact that Republicans are doing the same thing. They act like Democrats are suddenly breaking all the campaign finance rules and that we "don't have faith" in our candidates to raise money on their own. Wrong. We want to be able to give as much money as possible to our cause just as the Republicans have done ILLEGALLY for years. I won't get into the Texas Tom Delay example, but believe me, its worse than what Dems are doing. And what about the ads that are already running smearing John Kerry? Why aren't they being called out on that?
The fact is, Bush and his Republican mouthpieces have DESTROYED candidates like John McCain and Max Cleland on the sly and on the air with absolute LIES.
We're just trying to get our issues on the air and I don't think we should be crucified for it.