After hearing Clarke's testimony, let's put it all together. Specifically, I am talking about the idea many of us have and still have that not only was 9/11 preventable but that Bush and Co. played some sort of active role in either deliberately ignoring or standing down forces or worse. (That has been debated many times over).
So let's put 2 and 2 together...
If you a) knew about the terror attacks coming and did nothing to stop them and/or b) misled or misdirected US forces (TREASON) by asking fighters to stand down, etc. while this occurred, what would your behavior be?
First, you would be stonewalling any inquiry into not only what you knew leading up to 9-11, but stonewalling the release of breifings, etc.
Second, you would be making sure critical elements of that day (the banking transactions, etc.) were off limits to the commission.
What has Clarke revealed about the events of 9-11 given this theory?